Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"A Wish and A Lie"

That is what all anti-gun fools do, because they have no truth to tell us about what they do. And ex President Bill Clinton is no different. He’s now telling us that since Columbine, mass shootings have increased in America. That’s a LIE. But then, Bill baby is KNOWN for his lies. The liberal media oohed and ahhed over his ability to tell a convincing lie without criticizing the reasons WHY he lied. He also intimates that gun control is politically popular in this country, which is also a LIE. If it were, the anti-gun fools would not be complaining that even more of their unenforceable, useless anti-gun laws have been passed. They’d love to get rid of the Second Amendment, which is what separates us from New Zealand, where they instantly banned “automatic weapons” after that Christchurch shooting that killed a bunch of Muslims. You ask them if their laws have stopped a single shooting, and they can’t answer. So they “dissemble” and call you names instead of answering. They have to know their laws don’t work, but they continue to make them, anyway, so they can “pat each other on the back” and tell themselves they have done something concrete. They have NOT. (NRA-ILA)

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