Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"We Must Do Something!"

It doesn't matter if it does nothing to stop mass shootings from ever happening again. We must do something, ANYTHING to make it LOOK like we're doing something that will stop it, even if it does not, and we know it does not. That's what the liberals are saying as they demand more and more stupid gun laws that accomplish NOTHING. They have to know that none of the laws they have already foisted upon us have done ANYTHING to "stem gun violence," in any way. In fact, they have caused it to INCREASE, since they are DISARMING law-abiding people and making them "sitting ducks" for those who do NOT obey their insipid, USELESS laws. They don't really care how many guns are out there, as long as they can increase their CONTROL over what decisions we can make, taking them for their own. Some leftists are demanding we ban all guns, in spite of the constitutional prohibition against ANY abridgment on the right to be armed for self defense. (Liberty Headlines)

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