Tuesday, October 3, 2017

That Didn't Take Long

The anti-gun fools waited not any time at all before using the Las Vegas killings to push gun control, even though ANY effort to "abridge" our gun rights is unconstitutional. Even though the killer obeyed every one of their silly laws and was APPROVED, because he had NO criminal background. Not a single one of their anti-gun laws would have stopped this guy from creating the biggest mass shooting in the history of America, so far. Hillary got right on Twitter even before all the dead bodies were removed to advance the phony narrative about silencers, based on her abysmal IGNORANCE about them. The hotel from which the gunshots came WAS a "no-gun zone," yet he still managed to bring 21 "long guns" into his room to use in killing these people. They have to KNOW that none of their silly laws work, but they insist on keeping passing them, thus disarming the law-abiding people and making them "easy targets." (Fox News)

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