Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Creating Gun Violence

There's no more effective way to guarantee more gun violence than to attempt to take away the constitutional right to be armed in the United States. The British tried it in the colonies and sparked a revolution that created a free country while separating the colonies from British rule. Glenn Reynolds said it well: "There’s nothing that would provoke more 'gun violence' than an attempt to seize guns. But gun control isn’t about preventing violence, it’s about forcing those rubes in Flyover Country to knuckle under." That's the general opinion in DC, that people living in "Flyover Country" are simply "rubes." Those denizens of DC think they're smarter than everybody else, but they aren't. It's a known fact that the stupid aren't aware that they're stupid because of their stupidity. And anti-gun fools fit that description. It is definitely true that any attempt to BAN guns altogether WILL result in gun violence because Americans jealously guard that right, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Americans will defend that right, to the death, if necessary. (Glenn Reynolds)

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