Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Shouting Me Down

I once attended an anti-gun rally just to see for myself the lies they told about gun control. After they were done telling their lies, they opened things to questions. When it was my turn, the organizers handed me the microphone and I started to ask this question: “Why do you keep passing laws that not only don’t work, but actually make it easier for holders of illegal guns to victimize the law-abiding, who obey your laws, even if they think they’re stupid?” I only got half through that question when the crowd started shouting me down because it was a question to which they had no answer, and they didn’t want me to be able to finish asking it. From that moment on, I felt threatened in that crowd, and couldn’t get to the outside door fast enough. This is evidence that they don’t care a whit that their laws don’t work, but they want to keep making them because that gives them the POWER to tell law-abiding people what they can, and cannot do. Nothing more, nothing less. They don’t care that their laws DISARM the law-abiding, making them DEFENSELESS against the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there. The only REAL way to at least slow down “gun violence” is to give the law-abiding a “level playing field” by allowing them to have and use their own guns, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. (Just common sense)

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