Monday, June 15, 2020

Idiotic Policitians

Chicago’s new back mayor says we should not use our guns to defend ourselves from criminals and rioters (a repetition, there). We should just call the cops and WAIT for them to arrive. Meanwhile the bad guys are doing their dirty work on us so the cops can complete the paperwork, clean up the scene, and take away the bodies. That’s all they can do because they can’t be there when the trouble starts. Oh yes. They can (sometimes) find the criminals and put them in jail, later. These are the stupidities spouted by incompetent liberal (Dumbocrat) politicians, and they believe it. That’s part of their incompetence. And it is that incompetence that REQUIRES that we be armed, so we can repulse the attacks from ILLEGALLY armed lawbreakers. The cops themselves (those in the trenches, anyway) will be the first to tell you they CAN’T be everywhere at once while the police politicians tell you different. Currently, the rioters are saying publicly that they are going to go into the suburbs and “take what’s ours.” Where, in a real world, they will meet the real stiff opposition not allowed by those selfsame incompetent politicians, and the guns in the hands of the citizens will be a big part of it. (The Gun Feed)

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