Friday, June 19, 2020

Complete, Total Stupidity

What do you do when law and order breaks down? Why you disarm the law-abiding, that’s what. Then you abolish the police force and take away that “thin line” of resistance to the law-breakers who don’t obey any laws, anyway. That’s what liberals think, anyway. Now even some stupid politicians are talking about “disbanding” their police forces, and never mind who is going to enforce the law. Citizens are talking about forming “vigilante squads” in the absence of the cops, without the safeguards there are that keep most of the crazies in line. Frankly, I don’t want to live in a world policed by vigilantes who are not pledged to obey the law, themselves. What do they do if they THINK I have violated what they consider the law? They can’t put me in prison because, under their idea of justice, there will be no prisons. So I guess they’ll just lynch me. I’d rather be dead, already. Remember, these are the same people who really think they can eliminate crime by eliminating legal guns, while there are millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there. (Just common sense)

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