Tuesday, October 15, 2019

It's All About Power

This situation proves it. Now they want to make a law requiring people to ASK PERMISSION to defend themselves. Universal Background Checks are bad enough. They give the government control over an inalienable right. The power to license means they have the power to say “NO.” And to go along with it means you’re giving the government your permission to take away your right to own and use a gun for self defense. Their argument is that universal background checks “keep guns out of the hands of criminals.” It does NOT. Criminals merely find a black market gun dealer and get their guns illegally, or just steal them. None of their anti-gun laws do anything to “keep guns out of the hands of criminals.” The proliferation of ILLEGAL guns in the hands of criminals proves that. The worst example of this is the “gun-free zone,” something that is popping up all over the country, by law in some places, and by the decisions of the owners of private businesses in others. All they do is guarantee a criminal that the law-abiding (their targets) will not be armed there, and they can victimize them at will. Each and every mass shooting has occurred IN a “gun-free zone.” The anti-gun fools are KILLING us! We need to stop electing them to offices where they can impose their will upon us. (NOQ Report)

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