Thursday, August 15, 2019

What to Write About

I have to come up with at least two meaningful items each day for the “Unarmed Citizen” blog, but it’s hard to find anything I haven’t written about multiple times while being ignored by the anti-gun fools. I find myself “preaching to the choir” repeatedly. Then they come up with an article like this one in the Los Angeles Times, where they blame everything on the Congress for “not coming up with a solution and doing nothing about gun crime.” As if there was something they COULD do to stop gun crime. They’ve tried everything they can think of, and none of the anti-gun laws they have passed work worth a damn to “stem gun violence.” That’s because their laws only apply to the law-abiding, who are NOT the problem while doing nothing to stop ILLEGAL gun sales to criminals and terrorists and mass killers. Instead, they just make things worse by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for the criminals, with their ILLEGAL guns. People insist that Congress should come up with something, and I say why don’t the PEOPLE come up with some suggestions as to just what Congress SHOULD do instead of just griping and telling somebody else to “do something” without giving them any suggestions. (Los Angeles Times)

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