Monday, August 12, 2019

Just Blame the Cops

Chicago’s new mayor is saddled with a city drowning in the blood of gun victims, in spite of the fact that they have just about all the anti-gun laws in existence in effect there. So what does she do? She blames the cops. The “easy way out.” Never mind that none of those laws do a damned thing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” and that fact makes it impossible for it to be the fault of the cops. Yet the politicians all “jump on the bandwagon” to falsely blame the cops for what the politicians have done, and for which they refuse to take responsibility. Their biggest gun problem is gang violence. Gang members, most of whom are too young to even be ALLOWED to have a gun, ALL have guns, and they don’t hesitate to use them, sometimes for nothing more than being “on their turf.” the very fact that NONE of the guns they use are legally purchased or owned speaks volumes in proving the new mayor’s words to be a political LIE. Something said to escape responsibility for something that IS the responsibility of the government, and the mayor. And instead of actually DOING something about it, she blames the cops—an “easy target.” (Truth About Guns)

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