Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What Can We Do?

People are demanding that lawmakers “do something” about gun control after two separate mass shootings in two days; one in El Paso, TX, the other in Dayton, OH. But that begs the questions: “What CAN we do? What laws will actually WORK to control guns?” Better we should concentrate on something else besides guns, because mass killers elsewhere simply use something else if they can’t get a gun. And the laws already in effect DO NOTHING to limit gun use for evil purposes, and, instead, make things WORSE by disarming the law-abiding, making them defenseless against those using ILLEGALLY-obtained guns for their evil purposes. Yes, we should “do something.” But what CAN we do? The laws already on the books don’t work, and making new ones will not work, either. We need to change our target. Limiting legal gun ownership and use is NOT the answer. That has been proven, many times over. We need to start paying attention when somebody like these shooters “signal” their intentions, as many of them have. One mass killer was “contacted” by the cops 69 times! You’d think somebody would have done something to keep this guy from shooting up the landscape. And forcing him to get his gun ILLEGALLY is not going to work. It’s a “forlorn hope” to think that gun control will stop such people. We need to use other means, but without violating the rights of the law-abiding. (Just common sense)

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