Friday, May 17, 2019

"You're Not Entitled"

The 23rd Dumocrat presidential candidate, Joe Biden, says that,”The Second Amendment doesn’t say you’re entitled to have a gun.”well, it certainly DOES, Joe! What kind of addle-brained crack is that? What kind of faulty reasoning does it take for an “otherwise intelligent man” (sic) to say that the Second Amendment does not do what it does? The Second Amendment clearly says, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.” How more clear can you get, Joe? Liberals are always trying to get us to think the constitution doesn’t say what it says, so they can misread it to suit themselves. That is no more apparent than it is in “Roe v. Wade,” the decision, based on a misreading of the Constitution by liberals, which has led to the MURDERS of millions of defenseless infants, before they ever get a chance at life. For my part, a politician who would attempt to misread the Constitution and base new laws on that misreading is not entitled to even THINK about being president. He’s too stupid. (Breitbart)

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