Tuesday, January 29, 2019

They Wonder Why

“Black Lives Matter” thugs decry the number of black men who are shot by cops in America. It’s as if those black men weren’t shooting AT the cops when they were shot. The fact is, in most cases where cops shot black men, they were shooting at the cops. Now the BLM fools will, of course, call me racist for saying that, but I couldn’t give less of a crap if they do. They call you racist if you fart brown. They’ve made that racist label meaningless by overuse. The same is true of the fools who decry the fact that the majority of prisoners in prison are black, but the same thing applies. They would not be there if they had not committed crimes. But BLM wonders why so many cops shoot first and ask questions later today? It’s because they fear for their own lives, as criminals have declared “open season” on them, in their easily identified uniforms and very distinctive cars. Criminals shoot them without warning, from ambush, or call in phony crime calls to get them to respond, then shoot them, often to death. It’s a self-created “problem” by BLM. (CNN)

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