Monday, April 16, 2018

Guns and Race

Like any good liberal, Shannon Watts makes a racial slur in her rebuke to a Jewish woman threatened by some Neo-Nazis, thus introducing race into her "argument." the woman got a gun for self protection after a bunch of Neo-Nazis published her home address on their web site, thus painting a "target' on her back. Shannon, a "top anti-gun fool" financed, through cutouts, by George Soros, told her in a Tweet, that her wishing to be protected was because she was "white." The situation, of course, has nothing to do with race, but not to liberals, including Watts. The cops think driving by her house once in a while will protect her, but that kind of "protection" is so easily avoided by "bad guys," it's silly. Getting a gun to defend herself is a much better plan. It is this kind of stupidity that makes a fool out of Watts and other liberals on a regular basis. Liberals are trying HARD to get a race war started, and the "Black Lives Matter" fools are cooperating. I guess they like the idea of killing more white folks. (Twitter)

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