Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Blame Shooting On the NRA

What the hell is WRONG with the anti-gun fools? They continue to insist on blaming the NRA for any shooting that happens--as if standing up for our RIGHT to self defense, and to own and use the means to it is responsible for fools who MISUSE a gun. The NRA is on NO WAY responsible when some fool takes a gun and kills a few people. Most often, the gun used is illegally owned, anyway. And those that ARE legally owned, only point up the fallacy of depending on somebody who plans bloody murder OBEYING a piddling law saying he (she) can't use a gun to commit mass murder. They're STUPID to expect their laws to do anything to stop it, in the first place. And they're even MORE stupid to wrongly place the blame on somebody who tries to show them the error of their ways, while their very LAWS make the problem worse, by disarming the law-abiding only, people who are mostly not the problem. If I didn't see it for myself, I wouldn't believe there are so many STUPID people in one country. Their laws not only don't work, they make the problem worse. (Breitbart)

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