Friday, July 3, 2015

Guns Mean Safety

In Bridgeport, CT, there is a registered gun for every three citizens. And crime has gone down. In fact, in 31 out of 41 states that have right to carry laws, have seen decreases in crime. And 37 such states have seen a decrease in the murder rate (by all means). That should tell the “gun-grabbers” something, right? WRONG! They're impervious to facts. Their minds are made up, so don't CONFUSE them with facts. As I remember it, it is Connecticut where thousands of citizens are refusing to register their guns and the gun-grabbers are having a fit. It doesn't matter to them that crime is going down. They just want guns registered. One thing is for sure, the gun-grabbers aren't too bright, and they'll never give up. They want to disarm America at all costs, and DAMN the statistics! (TheBlaze)

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