Monday, July 6, 2015

47 Shot in Chicago

And that's just over the “Fourth of July” weekend. Which is a demonstration of just how well the tightest anti-gun laws in the nation work. Maybe the “gun-grabbers” will make note of this and change their ways. Doubtful. That would take BRAINS, something which is in short supply among them. They keep harping on “registering” all guns, which only tells them who has the LEGAL guns, and nothing about those gotten illegally by criminals, who don't obey ANY laws. They also like such things as “gun safes” and “trigger locks,” which only serve to make it easier for criminals to victimize people, since they already have their loaded guns in their hands while it takes TIME for honest people to get their guns in action when threatened. They also like to limit the SIZE of magazines, again, which only gives the advantage to the criminal. None of that does ANYTHING to stop criminals from getting their guns. It only makes it easier for criminals to kill honest people. I keep telling them that, but they aren't listening. They're not SMART enough to listen. (CNN)

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