Sunday, June 21, 2015

No Gun Involved

In Graz, Austria, a man ran his car into a crowd of people, then stepped out and began stabbing the survivors, including a policeman, killing 3 and leaving 34 injured. Among the dead, is a 4-year-old boy. This is as bad as those highly-publicized mass shootings in the United States and elsewhere, with one exception: NO GUN was involved here. Thus proving that if someone wants to kill a bunch of people, he'll do it, even if he doesn't have a gun. I don't know how tight the gun laws in Austria are, but it makes no difference if he couldn't buy one or just didn't have one. The gun is NOT the problem. It is the MINDSET of the killer that's important. If he wants to kill, he'll kill, with whatever he can find. This proves again the FALLACY of preventing law-abiding people from owning and carrying guns for self-defense. But will the gun-grabbers take notice? Even if they do, will it make any difference in their feeble thinking? Not a chance. Their minds are made up. Don't confuse them with facts. (The Daily Mail)

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