Monday, August 18, 2014

Gun Sales Down

After a record 2013 when gun sales skyrocketed, gun sales are down so far this year. The anti-gun fools are rejoicing. But maybe they shouldn’t be so happy, so soon. Maybe gun sales are down because most of the people who wanted them now HAVE their guns. Or maybe it’s just a “pause” while people examine all the new anti-gun laws that will do nothing to stop, or even slow down gun violence because people who want to do crime don’t obey ANY laws. They continue to make their useless laws that only serve to give criminals an unlimited supply of unarmed victims, IGNORING advice that that’s what they do. They think they’re the “smartest people in the room” and we don’t know what we’re talking about. I haven’t gone out and bought another gun yet, and maybe there are a lot of people out there like me who just weren’t in a HURRY to get another gun. (Roanoke Times)

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