Monday, August 4, 2014

Cops Overreact

In Armada, MI, a local teenage girl was murdered, which instigated a massive “investigation” that included violating the civil rights of everybody on the roads around the town. Cops set up roadblocks in three places, effectively blockading the entire town. Stopping and questioning EVERY person they could find about their destination, where they came from, etc, writing it all down, and holding up traffic for hours. This is a good example of cops using a dastardly crime as an EXCUSE tro violate everybody’s rights. Worse, I suspect they didn’t come up with anything concrete from these roadblocks after wasting everybody’s time and stepping on their right of movement. This action came an entire WEEK after the girl’s body was found, after the murderer had ample time to be elsewhere. (Police State, USA)

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