Monday, May 25, 2020

"Quakin' In His Boots"

That has to describe the Ayatollah in Iran right now. We just took out his top general. The top man running his terrorist scheme all over the world, forcing him to go to the “Second Team” commander who wasn’t smart enough for the top spot as long as his top general was alive. The Ayatollah lives like a king. No, better than a king. Kings are usually forced to follow certain rules. He is not. He makes his own rules. Kings must follow “tradition” in who is to replace him when he dies. He is not so constrained. He gets to appoint his successor. But he doesn’t wear boots. He doesn’t need to, since they carry him when he goes out. But the very way we “took out” his top general must be very frightening for him since we could have taken HIM out just as easily. And he may well be on our list, next. If he thinks we don’t know where he is at all times, he has another think coming. We can keep track of his coming and going just as easily as we did his top general. And he has no viable defenses against drone strikes, which was proven again, the other day. And if we can get to his top general so easily, how safe is he? He has “made his bed and now must sleep in it.” He’d better “tone down” his rhetoric and his actions against us, or there might just be a drone in HIS future. He has “bitten off more than he can chew,” and he’d better swallow—or die. (Washington Post)

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