Monday, April 20, 2020

Gun Show Background Check

Unlike most of what anti-gun fools claim, you CANNOT buy a gun at a gun show without having to submit yourself for a background check. Like most anti-gun fool assurances, it’s a LIE. They know it’s a lie, but they continue to tell it, because it sounds good for their “cause.” Another lie is that, “You don’t need to have your own gun because the cops will protect you.” Nada. No they can’t. They know that’s a lie too, but they keep telling it. The cops are the first to tell you they can’t protect you because they can’t be everywhere at once, and the lawless are very good at victimizing people “out of sight” of the law. At least, the cops “in the trenches” will tell you that, but the police politicians won’t. They agree with the anti-gun fools who tell you they can. But it’s just not true. All they can do is write down the facts, clean up the scene, get rid of the body or bodies, and HOPE they can find the shooter, later. But that does not “protect” you. Background checks do nothing to protect you, either. Again, they can be useful if the shooter got his gun legally and stood for a background check—which the lawless do not do when they get their guns illegally. Suffice it to say the entire anti-gun movement is BASED on a series of lies, and they know it. (Self Reliance Central)

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