Tuesday, January 28, 2020

How Stupid He Is!

Teenage “gun control activist” David Hogg has come out with his newest lie. He is now saying, “Minorities and non-binary people founded the gun control movement centuries ago.” Maybe he is too stupid to even know that there WERE no guns “centuries ago” so how could they “found the gun control movement?” David Hogg is too young to know ANYTHING, least of all the things he spouts about guns. He thinks, just because he jumped on his bicycle and rode to that school during a mass shooting, he’s some kind of an expert on gun control. His “handlers” work hard to convince him he is. You know. The people who PAY for all his trips to speak about gun control, using their scripts. It’s when he ad-libs that he make such major errors like this. Usually his handlers and script writers are a LITTLE more intelligent. Hogg is being USED by the gun control fools to promote their narrative. Soon his usefulness will be over and they’ll “drop him like a hot potato.” The entire concept of gun control is based on the stupid notion that first, you CAN “get rid of all guns” and that, if you do, you can stop violent crime. Remember medieval times when there were no guns? Then the law-breakers used knives and swords. If all guns were gone (an impossibility) criminals would simply use something else to victimize the law-abiding. (Washington Examiner)

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