Monday, August 14, 2017

Gun Control Doesn't Work!

Again, events prove that statement. In Jamaica, all the draconian gun laws the anti-gun fools in America favor are in effect, but they have done NOTHING to limit the number of guns available in that country. They have no “Second Amendment” there, and their laws allow the army to cordon off entire areas while the cops search every house for guns, without a warrant. Yet they have a WAR going on there involving gang members (like they do in Chicago) and the killings go on, unabated. Prime Minister Michael Manley promises to win the war on guns, but he doesn't say how. That's because he doesn't KNOW how. He says, “There isn't a place here for the gun, now, or ever,” unintentionally displaying his LACK of knowledge about guns. As usual, the target is the GUN, not the people using them for ill. That does not work, but you'll never convince the anti-gun fools in either country of that. Their minds are made up. Don't confuse them with FACTS. (Truth About Guns)

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