Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Shock and Awe"

The cops are going way to far toward the “hob-nailed boots” end of the spectrum. “Police officers screaming ‘police,’ ’get down’ and similar commands while charging into a citizen’s home through their shattered door all too often fail to realize that stunned and unprepared citizens need time to understand what is happening and to respond in any meaningful way. Yet SWAT teams try to use the element of surprise, in effect, causing the kind of stunned hesitation and confusion that poorly trained teams use to justify shooting unarmed citizens in their own homes when those citizens don’t respond precisely as demanded as quickly as officers think they should respond during their hyped-up charges.” Many of these “raids” are for such unimportant things as a “pot bust.”

They’re going WAY overboard and are too militarized (thanks to Obama supplying TANKS and automatic weapons to small local police forces). Often they KILL the homeowner, who, not realizing they are the cops, points a gun at them, which is his RIGHT in his own home. Sometimes that is the POINT of the raid. To get rid of somebody they can’t deal with so they can “deal with his widow.” This actually happened when one sheriff wanted the land for a new sheriff’s station and he wouldn’t sell. So he trumped up phony “charges,” burst into this guy’s home, and when he predictably tried to defend his home, they murdered him. Then they “dealt with his widow” to buy the property “on the cheap.” Often the very cops who KILL this person don’t realize what they’re doing. They’ve been lied to and think it’s “all in a day’s work.” (Bearing Arms)

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