Sunday, May 25, 2014

Illustration Of Ignorance

 It’s an obvious illustration of the abysmal IGNORANCE of our “school officials” when PLASTIC GUNS can be banned. When little children are told they cannot sell mistletoe, and are advised to “go beg” for money. Meanwhile, Obama says, “Income inequality is the defining challenge of our time” while they work tirelessly to make us defenseless against illegally-armed criminals. They say letting us have our guns will only create more gun violence, and they might be right. But it will be “gun violence” in defense of our homes and families against the attacks of illegally-armed criminals: the kind of “gun violence” that will ultimately REDUCE the real gun violence there is when criminals get their guns illegally and we can’t get them LEGALLY to use in defending ourselves. There will ALWAYS be “:income inequality.” Even under a full communist regime there was “income inequality.” The average peasant was poor, and the government workers made a lot of money. But saying that while with the other hand trying to take away our right to self-defense is CRIMINAL. But then, we’re being RULED by criminals today, so what else is new? (Joe Messina)

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