Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cops Approving of Armed Citizens

They’re starting to come around. Cops in the street realize that the more honest, reliable, armed citizens there are out there, the better off we all are. Mostly it’s only the police politicians who agree with the “gun-grabbers.” Cops on the street know better. Now even some police politicians are starting to get the idea. “When President Obama makes a pitch for more gun-control laws, he likes to have a phalanx of blue-uniformed police officers behind him. These press conferences are supposed to convince us that law enforcement believes more restrictions on Second Amendment rights makes society safer. But Mr. Obama's visual is a deception, because only a few liberal, big-city police chiefs continue to put politics over public safety.” I’ve been preaching this for years, but nobody in a position of authority has heard. They’re beginning to hear, and that’s a good thing. They may save a few lives that way. That’s probably why many states have now passed real gun control laws instead of those fool laws that only give criminals a steady stream of unarmed victims. (Mississippi Gun News)

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