Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Joe Just Doesn't Get It

Joe Biden just can’t seem to understand why the right to own guns is a “bulwark against tyranny.” He actually thinks the government would use a “Hellfire Missile” against people is they refuse to get rid of their guns. Nor does he understand that having guns creates the fact that, in order to take our guns it might mean a bloody civil war where a lot of people get killed, many on the government side, while they attempt it, He has a significant IGNORANCE about all things guns. He doesn’t know what a magazine is when he talks about “prohibiting 50 magazines in one gun.” Yet he wants to be president so he can sponsor legislation to regulate something he doesn’t understand. It reminds me of one state legislator who has sponsored many anti-gun laws who said, “Guns shock and sicken me!” So what business has she in making laws against guns? People who pass laws are supposed to at least be neutral. And have some kind of understanding about the things they want to regulate. The problem is, most of those making laws to “regulate” guns have no idea what they’re doing. They listen to the anti-gun fools and believe the BS they put out—then them make useless laws that only INCREASE “gun crime” because they disarm the law-abiding and make it easier for the users of ILLEGAL guns to victimize them. They just don’t understand that, or they REFUSE to understand it. (Washington Examiner)

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