Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Sit Rep: "Scalise Up"

Dumocrats refused to hear what Republican Rep. Steve Scalise had to say about HR 8 to the House Committee, that this law, like all the others, would NOT have stopped him from being shot by that left-wing fool. Their favorite “disqualifier” when people talk against gun control is, “You’ve never been shot, so shut up!” They knew Scalise didn’t fit that picture. He got shot, and he is STILL against their useless laws against gun ownership for the law-abiding. He knows, as do all intelligent people, that no amount of laws banning guns will do ANYTHING to reduce gun violence, and would have testified to that, as, HIMSELF a victim of gun violence. And they couldn’t have the truth being told at their sham “hearing,” so they blocked him from testifying. It has become obvious that they are NOT against gun violence, because their laws do not do that. They simply want to be able to tell us we CAN’T have the means to self defense. One proof of that is that the cops routinely “confiscate” anything people use in self defense so they can’t do it, again. That’s even if it was legally-owned. Their basic goal is to destroy the very concept of self defense. Banning guns is just part of that. (Town Hall)

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