Friday, June 15, 2018

A Definite Deterrent

A guy went into a Wal-Mart and tried to rob it, unsuccessfully. When he got outside, his car wouldn't start. So he decided to carjack another man in the parking lot, using a knife to threaten him. That didn't work, as the man pulled a gun on him. He ran away and decided to carjack a woman in a Starbucks drive-in line. So she pulled HER gun and ran him off--again. This just wasn't his day, I guess. He went into a local public restroom, where he was found and arrested some time later. If this kind of thing would happen to thieves more often, maybe they'd look for another way to "earn" a living. This guy was having a run of bad luck, and I guess he just gave up. The anti-gun fools reject the average citizen being armed as a solution to the "gun crime" problem, but this proves--again--that it IS a good deterrent. And the more it happens, the less thugs will want to victimize good people for fear of their own lives. And that can only be a GOOD thing. (The Blaze)

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