Friday, February 23, 2018

Stay Out of Police states

Like NY, NJ, CA, etc., if you want to carry your legally-owned and carried gun in your home state. They'll arrest you, fine you, sometimes JAIL you, even if your gun is properly stored for travel. They don't care about you. They'll let you just "rot in jail" forever, if they can. "In any state dominated by Dumocrats (like NY), gun-owners, local and out-of-state, will be mercilessly harassed, even thrown in jail, at every opportunity, and based on the most feeble of excuses. Cynical Democrats calculate that gun-owners don’t vote for them anyway, so they have nothing to lose in singling us out for punishment. That is their long-standing “agenda.” So a "police state" is any state whose government is dominated by Dumocrats, who hate the very idea of ANY private citizens being able to carry a gun, much like it is in Russia, In Russian there is noway to get, or LEGALLY carry a gun unless you're a government employee. TSA doesn't care, either. They'll "fink" on you to the locals. and the locals will finish your harassment. And if you have a job that does not allow people with arrest records (wherever they may be) to be employed, say "bye-bye" to your job, right along with your freedom. Be ready for a long stay in that "police state." I live in Colorado, which is such a state, so I can't get a gun, even though, at my age, I'm regarded as an "easy target" by thugs who want to mug people and rob, sometimes kill them. (AmmoLand)

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