Thursday, November 26, 2015

"Turn In Your Guns!"

That's the theme in the white House today. Obama says, “How about you turn in your guns?” The “Grumpy Cat” says, in return, “How about you suck my fuzzy balls?” That seems to me a response that is long overdue to Obama's exhortations to Americans to disarm themselves and leave the field open to holders of ILLEGAL guns in the hands of criminals, who don't bother to “register” their guns, OR even let the politicians know they have them. It amazes me that our (liberal) politicians are so STUPID as to believe that if HONEST people are disarmed, it will stop ILLEGALLY-armed criminals from having guns. All that does is amply PROVE the INCOMPETENCE of those politicians, who truly BELIEVE a LAW will stop criminals from having, and using their guns to victimize honest people. (Hot Air)

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