Monday, May 4, 2015

"Only Cops Qualified"

That's a favorite claim of the anti-gun fools all the time. But I beg to differ. How many guns have been left in unguarded spots in the nation's capitol by average individuals? NONE. How many by “official security” in the same places? THREE. Now, you'd think people charged with protecting “important” politicians would be a little more careful where they leave their guns, wouldn't you? But they aren't. And “average citizens” with concealed carry permits HAVE been. So only cops are qualified to carry guns, huh? That claim is typical of the LIES told by gun grabbers to help them DISARM Americans while “important” politicos hire their own guns to be carried by other people, some of which aren't so careful as the average citizen So why would we believe ANYTHING they might say? (Misfires and Light Strikes)

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