Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mandate to Stop "Gun-Grabbing"

The 2014 election was many things. A repudiation of ALL Democrat policies, especially Obama’s. But it was also a mandate top stop the “ gun-grabbers” in their tracks. Many anti-gun politicians lost their jobs because of their stance on gun control as it is today. In any case, “gun control” is not needed. What IS needed is “criminal control” to keep them away from honest people with their ILLEGALLY-owned guns. Making laws against gun ownership for honest people will NOT keep guns out of the hands of criminals, who don’t obey laws, anyway. To think so is to be STUPID. The best way is to make using a gun in the commission of a crime so costly in terms of time spent in prison that they stop using them. And while they're in prison, they're not shooting anybody. All the current laws do is give criminals a steady supply of unarmed, defenseless victims. It is my fond hope that someday the gun-grabbers “tumble” to this. But I’m not holding my breath. (Breitbart)

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