Monday, September 1, 2014

400 Words

A writer of a letter to the editor of The News-Times, of Danbury, CT, used 400 words (an estimate—I didn’t count ‘em) to do what could have been done in his final sentence: “Just banning guns will most likely not get the desired results because those who want to do evil will always seem to find a way.” (Spelling and word usage corrected, but the original quote is still there, at the end of the letter, if you want to see if I significantly changed what he said) the whole point is, more words than necessary are always used in the argument for, or against guns, and these words simplify it, which is good. More than necessary arguments are used, too, such as the emphasis on “hunting.” It’s not about hunting, it’s about self-defense, and taking guns away from responsible people will NEVER “get rid of the gun violence problem,” though you’ll never convince the anti-gin fools of that. Their lights are on, but there’s nobody home. (News-Times)

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